Why PPM and PMOs Fail.png

The project management office, or PMO, is the hub where strategy and execution come together. But simply having a PMO does not guarantee success. In order to drive strategic alignment and eliminate failed projects, your project management office must be supported by the right foundation.

This gap between what the PMO is doing and what the business expects it to be doing has serious consequences for both the PMO and the business. If you are concerned about setting up your PMO, then maybe you should be - the failure rate is very high, with approximately half of all PMOs closing down within three years of considered implementation failures. Don't let that happen to you!

Topics included in this eBook:

  • The disturbing reality about today's PMOs
  • How PMO, PPM, and PM work together
  • Benefits and uses of PMO and PPM
  • PMO and PPM resource management and capacity planning
  • Best practices in PPM and PMO
  • Ensuring that your PMO and PPM strategy will succeed

Download this eBook to learn best practices for establishing and optimizing your project management office.

View the eBook by filling out the form above.