Best Practices for Resource Demand Planning

This practical resource shows you how six, “stress-tested” techniques allow you to become more adaptive in managing resource demand in our new, digital PM environments. Can you quickly move on innovative projects? Are you able to update strategic role and team demand profiles mid-flight? What about a clear picture of your capacity—during either predictive or adaptive projects? Six ways to change today!

Resource demand planning experts are often surprised—but never incapacitated. That’s because they use the six best practices discussed in our white paper, 6 Best Practices for Resource Demand Planning Success. You can become a more strategic, effective project resource manager even in this adaptive, digital age.

We will help you answer the following questions:

  • Are you fully resourced in the present while planning for the future?
  • Can you account for delays and changes in scope?
  • How solid are your demand profiles?
  • Do you have a real-time view of your resource capabilities?
  • Can you compare resource demand by role and department?
  • Are you able to establish project teams effectively?


We know that when you can measure your ability to manage resource demand, you protect your business goals. You also have the ability to innovate—your value is wrapped up in your ability to move quickly and capitalize on profitable ideas.

What best practices will allow you to successfully deliver both predictive and adaptive projects in tandem across your portfolio? Measuring these aspects of your portfolio against solid metrics requires a solid technology solution. As an Aberdeen Research blogger stated, "While many of the strategies that facilitate project management are evergreen, the technologies that are utilized to support them are constantly evolving. This is because increased demand, competition, and customer (internal or external) expectations lead organizations to seek out ways to deliver more innovative products while delivering projects on-time and under budget."

6 Best Practices to Ensure Success

Let’s look below at the areas you must master with resource demand planning— and examine how you realize the power to innovate by mastering these basics. How close are you to excelling in all of these areas?

Click here to read the 6 best practices to ensure success.